A user other than the authorized user.

Hierarchy (view full)



acceptChats: boolean

Whether or not this user accepts chats.

acceptPms: boolean

Whether or not this user accepts private messages.

awardeeKarma: number

The amount of karma this user has gotten from getting awards.

awarderKarma: number

The amount of karma this user has gotten from giving awards.

commentKarma: number

The total karma this user has gotten from comments.

createdUtc: number

The unix timestamp when this object was created.

hasSubscribed: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed to at least one subreddit.

hasVerifiedEmail: boolean

Whether or not this user has a verified email.

hideFromRobots: boolean

Whether or not this user should be hidden from search engine crawlers.

iconImg: string

The URL of this user's avatar image.

id: string

The ID of this object.

isEmployee: boolean

Whether or not this user is a Reddit employee.

isFriend?: boolean

Whether or not this user is a friend of the authorized user.


This is only provided if you use UserControls.fetch, not if you use MyUserControls.fetch.

isGold: boolean

Whether or not this user currently has Reddit Premium

isMe: false = ...

Whether this user is the authorized user (instanceof MyUser) or not (instanceof OtherUser).

isMod: boolean

Whether or not this user is a moderator somewhere on Reddit.

linkKarma: number

The total karma this user has gotten from posts.

name: string

The user's name.

totalKarma: number

The total karma this user has.

verified: boolean

Whether or not this user is verified. ???
