Interface MyUserData

The data for the authorized user.

interface MyUserData {
    awardeeKarma: number;
    awarderKarma: number;
    canCreateSubreddit: boolean;
    canEditName: boolean;
    coins: number;
    commentKarma: number;
    createdUtc: number;
    forcePasswordReset: boolean;
    goldExpiration: Maybe<number>;
    hasAndroidSubscription: boolean;
    hasExternalAccount: boolean;
    hasIosSubscription: boolean;
    hasMail: boolean;
    hasModMail: boolean;
    hasPaypalSubscription: boolean;
    hasStripeSubscription: boolean;
    hasSubscribed: boolean;
    hasSubscribedToPremium: boolean;
    hasVerifiedEmail: boolean;
    hasVisitedNewProfile: boolean;
    hideFromRobots: boolean;
    iconImg: string;
    id: string;
    inBeta: boolean;
    inChat: boolean;
    inRedesignBeta: boolean;
    inboxCount: number;
    isEmployee: boolean;
    isFriend?: boolean;
    isGold: boolean;
    isMod: boolean;
    isSponsor: boolean;
    isSuspended: boolean;
    linkKarma: number;
    name: string;
    numFriends: number;
    over18: boolean;
    passwordSet: boolean;
    prefAutoplay: boolean;
    prefNightmode: boolean;
    prefNoProfanity: boolean;
    prefShowTrending: boolean;
    prefShowTwitter: boolean;
    prefVideoAutoplay: boolean;
    seenGiveAwardTooltip?: boolean;
    seenLayoutSwitch?: boolean;
    seenPremiumAdblockModal?: boolean;
    seenRedesignModal?: boolean;
    seenSubredditChatFtux?: boolean;
    suspensionExpirationUtc: Maybe<number>;
    totalKarma: number;
    verified: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


awardeeKarma: number

The amount of karma this user has gotten from getting awards.

awarderKarma: number

The amount of karma this user has gotten from giving awards.

canCreateSubreddit: boolean

Whether or not this user can create a new subreddit.

canEditName: boolean

Whether or not this user can edit their name.

coins: number

The number of coins this user has.

commentKarma: number

The total karma this user has gotten from comments.

createdUtc: number

The unix timestamp when this object was created.

forcePasswordReset: boolean

Whether or not this user is required to change their password for security.

goldExpiration: Maybe<number>

The unix timestamp at which this user's Premium subscription will expire, or undefined if the user does not have Premium.

hasAndroidSubscription: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed via Android.

hasExternalAccount: boolean

Whether or not this user has an external social media account linked.

hasIosSubscription: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed via the iOS app store.

hasMail: boolean

Whether or not this user has unread private messages.

hasModMail: boolean

Whether or not this user has unread modmail messages.

hasPaypalSubscription: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed via PayPal.

hasStripeSubscription: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed via Stripe.

hasSubscribed: boolean

Whether or not this user has subscribed to at least one subreddit.

hasSubscribedToPremium: boolean

Whether or not this user has a Reddit premium subscription.

hasVerifiedEmail: boolean

Whether or not this user has a verified email.

hasVisitedNewProfile: boolean

Whether or not this user has visited their profile on the redesign.

hideFromRobots: boolean

Whether or not this user should be hidden from search engine crawlers.

iconImg: string

The URL of this user's avatar image.

id: string

The ID of this object.

inBeta: boolean

Whether or not this user has opted-in to the beta.

inChat: boolean

Whether or not this user can receive chat messages.

inRedesignBeta: boolean

Whether or not this user is using the redesign by default.

inboxCount: number

The number of unread messages in this user's inbox.

isEmployee: boolean

Whether or not this user is a Reddit employee.

isFriend?: boolean

Whether or not this user is a friend of the authorized user.


This is only provided if you use UserControls.fetch, not if you use MyUserControls.fetch.

isGold: boolean

Whether or not this user currently has Reddit Premium

isMod: boolean

Whether or not this user is a moderator somewhere on Reddit.

isSponsor: boolean

Whether or not this user is a Reddit sponsor.

isSuspended: boolean

Whether or not this user is suspended.

linkKarma: number

The total karma this user has gotten from posts.

name: string

The user's name.

numFriends: number

The number of friends this user has.

over18: boolean

Whether or not this user is over 18.

passwordSet: boolean

Whether or not this user has a password set.

prefAutoplay: boolean

Whether or not this user wants videos to autoplay.

prefNightmode: boolean

Whether or not the user wants Reddit displayed in night mode.

prefNoProfanity: boolean

Whether or not this user wants to hide 18+/nsfw content.

prefShowTrending: boolean

Whether or not this user wants trending subreddits shown in their feed.

prefShowTwitter: boolean

Whether or this user shows a linked Twitter account on their profile.

prefVideoAutoplay: boolean

Whether or not this user wants videos to autoplay.

seenGiveAwardTooltip?: boolean

Whether or not this user has seen the "give award" tooltip.


This is only set when using MyUserControls.fetch, not when using UserControls.fetch.

seenLayoutSwitch?: boolean

Whether or not this user has seen the layout switch interface.


This is only set when using MyUserControls.fetch, not when using UserControls.fetch.

seenPremiumAdblockModal?: boolean

Whether or not this user has seen a popup saying that buying Reddit premium lets you disable (some) ads.


This is only set when using MyUserControls.fetch, not when using UserControls.fetch.

seenRedesignModal?: boolean

Whether or not this user has seen a popup about the redesign.


This is only set when using MyUserControls.fetch, not when using UserControls.fetch.

seenSubredditChatFtux?: boolean

Whether or not this user has seen the first-time user experience (ftux) popup about the subreddit chat feature.


This is only set when using MyUserControls.fetch, not when using UserControls.fetch.

suspensionExpirationUtc: Maybe<number>

The unix timestamp of when the suspension will expire, or undefined if this user is not suspended.

totalKarma: number

The total karma this user has.

verified: boolean

Whether or not this user is verified. ???